Hong Kong

Add FPS QR codes to invoices

FPS is a payment service platform that allows customers to make instant domestic payments to individuals and merchants in Hong Kong dollars or Renminbi via online and mobile banking.

Activate QR codes

Go to Accounting ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings. Under the Customer Payments section, activate the QR Codes feature.

FPS bank account configuration

Go to Contacts ‣ Configuration ‣ Bank Accounts and select the bank account for which you want to activate FPS. Set the Proxy Type and fill in the Proxy Value field depending on the type you chose.


  • The account holder’s country must be set to Hong Kong on its contact form.

  • You could also include the invoice number in the QR code by checking the Include Reference checkbox.

FPS bank account configuration

Bank journal configuration

Go to Accounting ‣ Configuration ‣ Journals, open the bank journal, then fill out the Account Number and Bank under the Journal Entries tab.

Bank Account's journal configuration

Issue invoices with FPS QR codes

When creating a new invoice, open the Other Info tab and set the Payment QR-code option to EMV Merchant-Presented QR-code.

Select EMV Merchant-Presented QR-code option

Ensure that the Recipient Bank is the one you configured, as Odoo uses this field to generate the FPS QR code.