Accounting note


  • This report is designed to justify a financial operation, explaining why a General Ledger (GL) entry was created manually.

Installation and Configuration

  • Module Installation: The module accounting_note must be installed.

  • Configuration: The installed module does not require additional configuration.

Main Functions

  • The accounting certificate is created within GL entries: - Navigate to the main menu: Accounting -> Accounting -> GL Entries. - Select the required entry, then Print -> Accounting Certificate.

  • The printed Accounting Certificate will appear as follows:

  • If you want to add a note or reason for creating the Accounting Certificate, you can enter it in the “Notes” field located in the second tab “Other Information” of the GL entry.

  • If needed, the certificate can also be printed from the list view in the standard way.

Updates and Version Control

  • Module Updates: Information on how to update the module.

  • Version Control Practices: Information on version control practices.